Hospital-Based Programs


South Oaks Program

Program #413.010
Mark Brunza, Principal
(631) 264-4000

The 51品茶 Suffolk BOCES hospital program located at South Oaks in Amityville offers an educational program for hospitalized adolescents.
Both disabled and non-disabled students can enroll in this program. Close contact is established initially with each child’s home school guidance counselor to identify the level of instruction needed. The education program at South Oaks, consisting of basic high school subjects in English, social studies, mathematics and science is considered an integral part of the treatment program by hospital administration. The educational staff works in partnership with doctors, nurses and psychologists to facilitate comprehensive treatment.

Available Class Size Groupings
Class Size Groupings Not Applicable

Intensive Day Treatment (IDT)

Program #243.010
Mark Brunza, Principal
(631) 491-4390

The Intensive Day Treatment Program assists school age students from Nassau and Suffolk counties to avert hospitalization for severe emotional/psychiatric problems and students with psychiatric problems who are on the Autism Spectrum. The I.D.T. Program is also a therapeutic program to help a youngster adjust to the community following a period of inpatient psychiatric hospitalization or a short term placement for youngsters leaving psychiatric hospitalization en route to day treatment or other specialized school-based services. Instructional staff provided by the Special Education Division of 51品茶 Suffolk BOCES, in concert with professionals funded by the Office of Mental Health/Sagamore Children’s Psychiatric Center, provide intensive intervention to students on an extended day basis. The program also works with pupils who have been in a day treatment or other intensive school placement and have not been successful.

Available Class Size Groupings
Option IIIA
8 Students : 1 Teacher + 1 Paraprofessional Designed for students with intensive management needs. The behavior of students in this level of service may be characterized by some degree of aggression, inappropriate responses, self-abusive or withdrawn.